Participate in the Pulitzer Dialogues

Read 5 Pulitzer Titles in 5 Months!

To commemorate the centennial of the Pulitzer Prizes, six libraries from across New Mexico are partnering with the New Mexico Humanities C...

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

The power of literature and writing

John Cheever seems to put a tremendous amount of faith in the power of writing and in the power of literature. Do you agree? To what extent do you think Cheever was able to make sense of his own life with his dozens of stories about suburban disaffection?

Did you find any of Cheever's stories inspiring or alleviating despair? Could they save the world?


  1. “I've been homesick for countries I've never been, and longed to be where I couldn't be.”
    ― John Cheever

  2. Another good one: “Fiction is meant to illuminate, to explode, to refresh.”
    ― John Cheever


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